Supporting Operations, Not Just Documenting Them

With a fraction of the footprint of other inpatient EHRs, GallMD's customizability cuts back on time spent in preparing clinical documentation without sacrificing the quality of data to support decision making and revenue cycle

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EHRs do not have to be a beast


Extensive configuration options for form fields and data capture allow autocompletion and workflow improvements to save hours on documentation each week.


Powerful order entry and clinical note creation combine with form input customization to enable descriptive analytics at each step of care delivery.

Low Footprint

Customizable features throughout and a model flexible to third party integration means clinicians can spend less time stuck in front of the EHR.

Why Us?

Patient Flow
Spending less time in front of the computer and a documentation system designed to present information alongside order entry and note writing allows clinicians to see more patients quickly.
Decision Support
Enabling customizability and having an underlying engine built to support various third party integrations allows various software products and workflows to be embedded into GallMD for better decision making.
Data Granularity
Capturing data within even the level of individual order and note templates allows management to work with clinical teams on streamlining patient care for bolstering quality of care and revenue generation.

Learn more about using GallMD as your facility's management system

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